Group Policies

We don’t want to be bogged down in red tape but we do need to outline how WE do things here at 4th Ashby.


By publishing them on our website it’s clear for all to see how we do things. Any policies and procedures we approve and implement are to enable us to work to the Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules.



Questions and Concerns

Should any of these policies raise an issue, please contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Group Scout Leader.

Validity and Review

These policies were reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees in Nov 2023 and will be reviewed periodically.
Youth Membership of 4th Ashby Scout Group is at the discretion of the Group Scout Leader (as outlined in The Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR))
At 4th Ashby we will:
  • admit young people whose ages match those prescribed in POR subject to the limits on size.  The Scout Association has not defined a maximum size for Troops but due to the size of our hall we cannot accept more than 36 young people.
  • record interest for places over and above these numbers and, whilst maintaining contact with the parents of these children, endeavour to allocate places based on
  1. the age of the child
  2. the willingness of parents to offer regular support to the section
  3. the length of time they have been on the list


  • Requests for places must be made via our online form or a paper equivalent from a section leader.
  • Transfers from other groups will be given serious consideration, including temporarily increasing the maximum size of the section.
  • Membership is subject to payment of the monthly membership fee, by Direct Debit.
  1. Payment shall commence at the start of the month following the investiture of the member
  2. There is no charge to try (i.e. sessions prior to investiture).
  3. Section leaders shall aim to complete all investitures within 4 weeks of joining.
  4. Cases of financial hardship shall be made to the Group Scout Leader who will discuss some partial reduction for a set period of time before a review of circumstances is made.
  • Membership is fully open to all young people aged between 5 3/4 and 18.  We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability.
  • Membership is subject to completion of a full membership form (available from a section leader or online).  Trial membership requires a smaller form to be completed.
  • Membership requires a uniform.

Badges and Necker Policy

We will supply the first set of badges and the first necker to members joining the group.

At the change of section we will, where appropriate, supply a nametape and woggle.

Additional items can be purchased as below:

  • Neckers - £3.50
  • Beaver/Cub Woggle (note, moving to leather versions as stocks are used up) - 25p
  • Scout Woggle- £2.50 (finding a cheaper alternative)
  • Badge set (World, County, District plus group name tape): £3.00

Any lost badges that are replaced will be charged at cost price too.

Please take cash for now (and place with a note or a receipt) in the finance post box.  

It remains our policy that badges and uniform will be bought and managed by our badge organiser and notice is issued generally once per term and otherwise on request.  We do not hold much stock of badges but generally can be bought with a weeks notice.

Please do not keep stocks of badges or neckers within your section.  Any unissued or spare items should be returned as soon as possible.  The current stock of items can be seen in the Google Drive.

If any member is struggling please ask to speak to the Group Scout Leader, in complete confidence, to clarify whether you are eligible for assistance.  4th Ashby tries to help in emergencies and the Scout Association has its own benevolent policy (briefly outlined below).

4th Ashby Benevolent Grants

  • Evidence will be required
  • Any Grants given will be monitored every 3 months
  • The GSL must write an email to the Treasurer outlining the areas of payment needed.  This will then be counter signed by the Treasurer.
  • No money will be given to the scout or parent directly, it will come out of the group accounts to fund the specified activity.
Grant types to include
  • Membership Fees (3-month period unless agreed differently with GSL)
  • 1 week or 1 weekend camp (UK based only)


Scout Association Benevolent Policy

The full guidelines can be found on the Scout Association website.  The fund was created to ‘support members, individuals and Groups, focusing on areas of community development, particularly new Groups in areas of deprivation.’ It helps support:
  • camp or event fees
  • the purchase of uniforms
  • costs to undertake Scouting


Please note the Scout Association will not fund membership fees.

4th Ashby Scout Group follows the Scout Association’s Complaints policy.  An outline of the process is given below but for full information please go to the Scout Associations website.  

How do I complain and who do I complain too?

In the first instance, you should try an informal approach to your pack leader to resolve your complaint and to see what action will be taken.

If the informal approach proves to be unsatisfactory, then please speak to the Group Scout Leader.

What complaints are accepted?

We accept complaints about how you have been treated by Scouting or, if you are a parent or carer of a young person, how that young person has been treated by Scouting.

We have a few basic rules for the acceptance of complaints:

  • Complaints must be raised within three months of you knowing the facts (we do not deal with complaints that are older).
  • We do not generally investigate anonymous complaints.
  • We do not accept complaints that are raised on behalf of or regarding other people (except by parents/carers of children in Scouting).
  • We do not accept complaints that are broadly or substantively the same as a previous complaint.
  • We do not progress complaints that we believe to be vexatious or malicious.

How will my complaint be dealt with?

Your complaint will be dealt with fairly and objectively. We handle complaints in a positive and pro-active manner and expect resolutions and outcomes to contribute to a process of continuous improvement.

Please bear in mind that adults in Scouting are volunteers and have other calls on their time. It may therefore take a little longer to sort out your complaint, however you will be kept informed of the progress of the complaint with an acknowledgement of a formal complaint within seven days and regular updates (typically at least every four weeks).

The investigator may need to speak to you and a number of other people to fully understand your complaint and the circumstances surrounding it.

The manager will make a decision about the complaint and will inform you whether your complaint is upheld or not and the actions that will be taken as a result.

What if I am not satisfied with the outcome of my complaint?

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way in which it was handled, then you may appeal. You must appeal within three months of being given the outcome of your complaint.

Your appeal must be formally lodged with the next level of manager in Scouting. If you are not sure who this is, then the manager who dealt with your complaint will provide the details. In your appeal, you must clearly explain the basis on which you are making the appeal and your preferred outcome to resolve the issue.

The next senior manager will make a decision about the appeal and will inform you whether your appeal is upheld or not and the actions that will be taken as a result.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, there is no further escalation of the complaint and we will not consider further any action regarding the complaint or the appeal.

For 4th Ashby Management Volunteers

Dealing with a complaint is not the nicest job but it is vital that each complaint is handled fairly and in a timely manner according to The Scout Association’s complaint procedure.  This covers

  • Try to resolve issues informally, locally if possible in the first instance
  • Resolve complaints as early as possible – don’t leave people waiting for something to be done.
  • Be positive and proactive when dealing with a complaint – don’t hide from the issue.
  • Identify opportunities for change and improvement – nothing is perfect, if we have made a mistake we should say sorry and put it right.
  • If a complainant is unhappy with the outcome of a complaint, they can appeal. The appeal procedure allows for only one appeal and that is to the next level of management.

The following resources can help you with complaints:

The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of the committee’s decision-making process, to enable others to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputation of members of the committee.

All members of the Committee are obliged to declare any relevant personal, volunteer, professional or business interests.  The Chair shall be responsible for the management of conflicts of interest.  Members may be excluded from the consideration of specific items in which they have an interest which could be considered a conflict of interests.  This includes avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as the perception of conflicts of interest.

Examples of conflicts of interest include:

  1. A member who is also a user i.e. parent of explorer/scout/cub/beaver who must decide whether fees from users should be increased.
  2. A member who is related to a member of staff and there is a decision to be taken on staff pay and/or conditions.
  3. A member who is also on the committee that is seeking funding and there is a decision to be taken.
  4. A member who has an interest in a business that may be awarded a contract to do work or provide services for the organisation.

Upon appointment, each committee member will make a full, written disclosure of interests, such as relationships, and posts held, that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. This written disclosure will be kept on file and will be updated as appropriate.

In the case of a conflict of interest arising for a member because of a duty of loyalty owed to another organisation or person, the unconflicted members may authorise such a conflict of interest where the following conditions apply:

  1. the member who has declared the conflict of interest withdraws from the part of the meeting at which there is discussion of any arrangement or transaction affecting that other organisation or person;
  2. the member who has the conflict of interest does not vote on any such matter at the meeting;
  3. the other members who have no conflict of interest in this matter consider it is in the interests of the charity to authorise the conflict of interest in the circumstances applying.

Any such disclosure and the subsequent actions taken will be noted in the minutes.

This policy is meant to supplement good judgment, and members should respect its spirit as well as its wording.

It is 4th Ashby policy that all events and camps should aim to cover their costs.  There should be no significant profit or loss.

The leaders must ensure that

  • Events are planned and costed prior to bookings being taken. Assistance can be given with this by the GSL and treasurer.
  • Events and budgets should be prepared and agreed with GSL BEFORE the fee for any event is taken
  • Budgets which span financial years for special events must be discussed, with the Treasurer and GSL, to identify cash flow requirements across financial years
  • Actual ‘v’ Budget variance is monitored and that significant variances are explained and raised with the GSL
  • Budgets are reviewed at the end of the event
  • Full receipts to be drawn up and passed to Treasurer as soon as possible after events. This should identify income received and expenditure.
  • Any surplus or deficit money from events will be managed by the Group

Additional Factors

  • An event with a budget greater than £5000 must submit greater financial information/planning and progress will be regularly monitored by Leader, GSL & Treasurer
  • Gift Aid – remember this type of activity cannot be gift aided
  • A financial statement for camp and activities, showing the budgeted expenses versus actual expenses should be prepared by the Treasurer at least three times a year and then reviewed by the Executive Committee

If any help is required with any part of this process, then please contact the treasurer or GSL.

Cost should not be a deterrent to being a volunteer. Whilst individuals may choose to waive costs at times neither volunteers nor staff should incur unwelcome expenses through their support of Scouting.
It is the responsibility of volunteers and staff to ensure that they use the most cost-effective method of delivering their responsibilities. The policy is designed to recompense out of pocket expenditure, but everyone should be minded of the cost to Scouting of their actions.  

Please Speak to the Treasurer or GSL for the exact list of what is acceptable expenditure. and BEFORE any large purchases are made, whether via personal money or the pre-paid cards.

General Authorisation and Reimbursement rules

  • Nobody should authorise their own or a family member’s expenses.
  • Reimbursement will be via electronic banking so if you change your banking details please inform the Treasurer asap.  If another form of reimbursement is required, please ask the Treasurer or GSL.
  • Officials Authorised to Sign Expenses Claims: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Group Scout Leader

Personal Money Expenses claim

  • Pass on all receipts to the treasurer
  • Receipts must ideally be submitted within 3 months and ahead of the end of February (year end)
  • Receipts can be scanned for quick processing of claim but can originals please be passed onto treasurer using the receipt letterbox

Reimbursement will happen as quickly as possible however please contact the treasurer if payment is urgent.

Cash advance  

  • If a volunteer requires cash to purchase goods or services (e.g. camp expenses) on behalf of the group or section then speak to the treasurer.  
  • The volunteer receiving the money will need to sign to say they have received it.
  • After the activity, the volunteer must give receipts and remaining balance to the Treasurer

Group cheque books

  • Cheques for Expenses – No group cheques can be written by a section leader to themselves to pay for their personal expenses.  No cheques can be written by a section leader to pay for any volunteer’s expenses. As a group, we are promoting online payments for security, transparency of expenditure and to avoid accusations of fraud.  If a cheque is required, then the treasurer or GSL has to write and countersign.
  • Cheques for Purchases – if a Group cheque is used to pay for purchases such as equipment or camp sites then please give the receipt to the Treasurer
  • Number of Signatories – Each cheque needs to be signed by 2 signatories.  Any person in a close personal or family relationship must not sign the cheque of another party to that relationship.  This for the protection of those individuals against claims of misappropriation.
  • Approved Signatories for cheques on group account – GSL, Treasurer, Chair, Secretary & Seeonnee Section Leader

Prepaid Cards

The use of the pre-paid cards is to

  • make basic payments for weekly meet activities easier for volunteers
  • reducing volunteer financial commitment  
  • allowing flexibility on camps and activities and reducing risk of volunteer members carrying large amounts of cash

Please note use of these cards is still governed by the rules of acceptable expenditure and MUST HAVE VALID RECEIPTS given to the treasurer

Each section/card will have a balance of approximately £50 and this will be topped up, generally, once a month.  The account will be checked fortnightly however if the card balance needs to be higher, for example to cover camp purchases, then please inform the Treasurer of the amount needed as soon as possible.  Be aware payments from the CAF bank to the FairFX account must be initiated, dual authorised and then transferred.  This cannot happen overnight.

The Treasurer will be pulling off statements from the prepaid cards every month and valid receipts must be kept and given to the Treasurer.

At 4th Ashby we will:

  • Provide annual accounts for the AGM and District Association
  • Provide Budget and Actual expenditure monitoring and revision
  • Aim to conform with guidance from Scout Association, Charity Commission, HMRC and any other bodies that the group are associated with
  • Have our accounts independently audited
  • Provide transparency and monitoring of all group expenditure and income

Safeguarding of Expenditure and Monies

  • All receipts will be given to the Treasurer who will keep a central account of the finances of the group
  • No Cheques or online authorisation will be done by a family or close relationship partner or for themselves.
  • All members of the group are responsible for sensible expenditure and keeping of records, whether handling cash or card to avoid accusations of misappropriation of funds
  • If any expense is for over £50 please check with the GSL or Treasurer
  • For easier audit trail, all expenses to be claimed will be managed by the Treasurer
  • Cash given for events and camps should be banked in the Groups account until needed and then money can be requested for the event.  


Annual Budgeting

  • The Board of Trustees/GSL is responsible for approving the annual budget
  • The annual budget for the next financial year should be prepared by 31st July, with discussion from section leaders to GSL about planned events and objectives

Budget monitoring

  • A Financial Statement, showing the budgeted expenses verses actual expenses should be prepared by the Treasurer at least three times a year and then reviewed by the Board of Trustees
  • Board of Trustees will agree the budget
  • GSL & Section leaders are expected to manage to the approved budget. 
  • No expenditure (over £50) to be made without prior explanation to Treasurer/Board of Trustees

Budget revision

  • Expected large variances to the budget, with reasons, should be notified to the Treasurer and/or GSL as soon as possible.
  • Known budgetary requirements beyond the next business year should be notified to the Treasurer at the earliest opportunity.
  • Even though a budget has been agreed, volunteers are expected to obtain best value for money. Competitive quotes should be obtained and ongoing contracts reviewed periodically.  Money should not be spent just because a budget exists, but because it represents a valuable outcome for Scouting.

Before commencing on any fundraising scheme please check the Scout associations website for any amendments to the recent POR rules (see Appendix 1)

All Fundraising Activities

For all fundraising activities records must be kept which include the following information  

  • The events purpose
  • The date
  • The location
  • Who was there
  • Total of what was given
  • A list of any expenditure with receipts if possible

This information should be signed by two of the organisers and given to the Group treasurer.


Donation Buckets

If collecting using Donation Buckets they must be

  • Sealed before the event and not opened until in a secure location and with two of the organisers
  • Labelled with 4th Ashby Scout Group (charity no: 1125053) and the dual reason of the fundraising event and 4th Ashby Scout Group.  This means that any money raised is not ring fenced to a specific activity but also the development of the group.  This is In case something happens and the event has to be cancelled.
  • Money is to be recounted by a member of 4th Ashby executive committee to confirm amount.  They will then take this and include into the group’s accounts.

These donations can be included in the Gift Aid Donation Scheme if there has been no single donation of £20.  If this has occurred, please make a note and inform the Treasurer. The gift aid claim will be managed by the Treasurer in the Groups Gift Aid claim.


If sponsored activity is to be run, then ideally use a third-party scheme such as Justgiving as the organisation can manage gift aid.  If this is not possible then please create a sponsorship form that has the following on it

  • 4th Ashby Scout Group (charity no: 1125053)
  • Reason for the event
  • Whether this donation can be gift aided

Gift aid information can be provided for the event.  However, all records and donations are to be handed in and counted by the treasurer and two of the event organisers to agree amounts and then the gift aid will be claimed by the Treasurer within the Groups gift aid claim.

Extra Information

  • Gambling/Lottery Activities – there are specific rules surrounding this type of activity and rules should be checked before anything is commenced
  • Bag Packing – this activity is covered by the Scouts insurance

Leftover Funds and/or Funds for permanently cancelled events

If 4th Ashby Group has raised funds (via fundraising means not parents paying for the event) for an activity that has had to be cancelled or of which too much has been raised, clear evidence of these figures will be put into the Groups yearly accounts and demonstrated that this money has gone towards another activity/piece of equipment for the benefit of the children.  

If there are any more queries please ask your leader, GSL or the Group Treasurer.


Appendix 1:

  • Rule 3.55 Fundraising 
  • Rule 3.56 Joint Fundraising Projects
  • Rule 3.57 Fundraising and the Law
  • Rule 3.58 Lotteries and Gaming
  • Rule 3.59 Appeals for Funds
  • Rule 3.60 Professional Fundraisers

GDPR, Website and Social Media Policy

Each scout group is required to have assessed and produced it's own GDPR and Data retention policy.  We and our website complies to the DPA (Data Protection Act 1998) and already complies to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which comes into affect from May 2018. We will update this policy accordingly after the completion of the UK’s exit from the European Union.


Fair Processing Notice

We will collect any personal information fairly and use it in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) as outlined below.



4th Ashby Scout Group is a registered charity and is governed by the Scout Association.  


Your Rights to your Information

You have the right to access and correct the personal information we collect and use.  Every citizen is entitled to complain to us (4th Ashby Scout Group) and to the Information Commissioner's Office. 

Please contact the Chair of the Committee or the Group Scout Leader in the first place.

Youth data can be viewed, corrected and maintained by members or their parents via Online Scout Manager, which should be the sole place information is stored and accessed by our team of volunteers.

Adult information, for those holding a DBS or adult appointment can be seen, corrected in both Online Scout Manager and Compass, the current Scout Association membership system.

Please note that we will not delete information about current members and reserve the right to retain partial information about adults after they have left, for the purposes of child protection.


Your Information we hold

We collect personal and medical information for the protection of an individual and to enable communication about their membership of the group (or the time leading up to becoming a member).

We collect the personal data of parents and guardians of young people for administration purposes and to enable us to contact them in the case of an emergency regarding their charge.

Some special category data is collected and processed about adults to enable us to process DBS checks to ensure we have robust safeguarding measures in place for members and adults.

We do not collect information about religious or spiritual beliefs.  Dietary and medical information is collected to enable us to safely deliver camps, activities and meetings for all members.


Our Legal Basis for Using Your Personal Information

We only use your personal information where permitted by the laws that protect your privacy rights.  This includes:

  • Fulfilling our legal obligations, such as safeguarding
  • Administration such as contacting you about meetings, events, fees and other day to day activities of the group.
  • To keep members and adults safe.


Sharing and Transferring Personal Information

We will only share your personal information where permitted by the laws that protect your privacy rights.  This includes:

  • Fulfilling our legal obligations, such as safeguarding
  • Administration such as contacting you about meetings, events, fees and other day to day activities of the group.
  • To keep members and adults safe.


Website Cookies

Our website uses cookies to better the users experience while visiting the website. As required by legislation, where applicable this website uses a cookie control system, allowing the user to give explicit permission or to deny the use of /saving of cookies on their computer / device.
What are cookies? Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computers hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.
Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors or use the cookie control system if available upon their first visit.


Website Visitor Tracking

Our website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. The software will save a cookie to your computers hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information.


Website Adverts and Sponsored Links

Our website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through our advertising partners, to whom may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.
Clicking on any such adverts will send you to the advertisers website through a referral program which may use cookies and will track the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include the use of cookies which may in turn be saved on your computers hard drive. Users should therefore note they click on sponsored external links at their own risk and we cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.


Website Downloads & Media Files

Any downloadable documents, files or media made available on this website are provided to users at their own risk. While all precautions have been undertaken to ensure only genuine downloads are available users are advised to verify their authenticity using third party anti virus software or similar applications.
We accept no responsibility for third party downloads and downloads provided by external third party websites and advise users to verify their authenticity using third party anti virus software or similar applications.


Website Contact & Communication With us

Users contacting us through this website do so at their own discretion and provide any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use.
Where we have clearly stated and made you aware of the fact, and where you have given your express permission, we may use your details to send you products/services information through a mailing list system. This is done in accordance with the regulations named in ‘The policy’ above.


Email Mailing List & Marketing Messages

We operate an email mailing list program, used to inform subscribers about products, services and/or news we supply/publish. Users can subscribe through an online automated process where they have given their explicit permission. Subscriber personal details are collected, processed, managed and stored in accordance with the regulations named in ‘The policy’ above. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time through an automated online service, or if not available, other means as detailed in the footer of sent marketing messages. The type and content of marketing messages subscribers receive, and if it may contain third party content, is clearly outlined at the point of subscription.
Email marketing messages may contain tracking beacons / tracked clickable links or similar server technologies in order to track subscriber activity within email marketing messages. Where used, such marketing messages may record a range of subscriber data relating to engagement, geographic, demographics and already stored subscriber data.

Our EMS (email marketing service) provider is Online Youth Manager Ltd and you can read their privacy policy in the resources section.


External Website Links & Third Parties

  • Although we only look to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. (External links are clickable text / banner / image links to other websites)
  • Shortened URL’s; URL shortening is a technique used on the web to shorten URL’s (Uniform Resource Locators) to something substantially shorter. This technique is especially used in social media and looks similar to this. Users should take caution before clicking on shortened URL links and verify their authenticity before proceeding.
  • We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite our best efforts. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk and we cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.


Social Media Policy & Usage

We adopt a Social Media Policy to ensure our business and our staff conduct themselves accordingly online. While we may have official profiles on social media platforms users are advised to verify authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with such profiles. We will never ask for user passwords or personal details on social media platforms. Users are advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media.
There may be instances where our website features social sharing buttons, which help share web content directly from web pages to the respective social media platforms. You use social sharing buttons at your own discretion and accept that doing so may publish content to your social media profile feed or page. You can find further information about some social media privacy and usage policies in the resources section below.

Resources & Further Information


More Information
If you are still looking for more information then please contact us through one of our preferred contact methods:




4th Ashby group will aim to claim money back from HMRC via the Gift Aid scheme and the Gift Aid Small Donations scheme. The guidelines for these schemes are given below.


Gift Aid

We can claim Gift Aid on donations from individuals however the donor must:

  • have paid the same amount or more in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in that tax year
  • made a Gift Aid declaration that gives you permission to claim it


There are special rules for certain activities, if you are thinking of any of the following then please email the Treasurer for exact ruling as to what can and can’t be claimed for:

We can claim Gift Aid on

  • funds from sponsored challenges, eg overseas treks or marathons
  • selling goods on behalf of individuals, eg through a charity shop
  • charity events or to view charity property, charity auctions
  • volunteer expenses donated back to your charity
  • funds raised through charities involved in running schools

We can’t claim Gift Aid on:

  • payments for goods & services this includes camps and activities
  • donations of money from a company
  • gifts that come with a condition on repayment or if we have to buy goods/services from the donor
  • payments received in return for goods or services for example admission to a concert
  • a ‘minimum donation’ where there is no choice about payment
  • gifts made using ‘charity vouchers’ or ‘charity cheques’


Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme

This scheme allows 4th Ashby to claim top-up payments on small donations of £20 or less.  This includes any bucket donations at Bonfire night, AGM or the Christmas Post.  You don’t need to know the identity of the donors or collect Gift Aid declarations.

You can’t claim on:

  • Where the attendees are paying for a service or goods (e.g. Scout stamps, hotdogs, drinks)
  • donations that come with a valid Gift Aid declaration
  • a £20 portion of a larger gift
Keeping Records

4th Ashby Scout Group will keep records to comply with the most current regulations from HMRC. We will

  • Keep electronic records of claims in accordance with HMRC guidelines
  • Keep any paper gift aid registration forms for 4 years
  • Asking parents to update gift aid details once a year to maintain data validity
  • Verify data from OSM before submitting a claim


If a sections receives money that gift aid can be claimed on then two people should ideally check, count and sign for any cash collected. If any money is donated/collected in this way contact the Treasurer or GSL immediately.  You will need to record:

  • how much money was collected, including each denomination of coins and notes
  • the date the money was collected
  • that no individual donation was greater than £20

Investment Approval

4th Ashby Group will only make investment decisions with the approval of the Executive Committee and the Trustees.  

Trustees have an obligation to

  • Try to secure the best financial return (within the appropriate level of risk) for the charity’s money
  • Decide how money is to be spent fulfilling the documented charity’s aims.
  • take advice, selecting the right investments and communicating their decisions to the group

Investment Decisions

Investment decisions can include, but is not limited to,

  • Purchase of land, property
  • Moving of bank and monetary assets
  • Selling of existing or purchase of new, large assets

Investment Plan

  • At the start of the year (as part of the budgeting process), 4th Ashby Group must identify expenditure areas that the whole group is moving towards.  
  • Any monetary needs/risks should be identified at the start of the year and monitored throughout the year.  
  • If investment is needed, then the Group will follow the guidelines given by the Charity Commission and the Scout Association.


Current 4th Ashby Investment Policy Decision

The Group does not have sufficient funds to invest in long-term investments. The Group has therefore adopted a risk-averse strategy to invest its funds.

All funds are held in cash using only recognised UK banks or building societies.


4th Ashby will only employ staff or hire services to fulfil certain tasks that are

  • outside the remit of a volunteer
  • where we are unable to find a volunteer to manage the activities

Paid Staff for Project work

  • Where a person is hired by 4th Ashby to do a specific task then a Project Supporter Agreement form will be completed and signed by the GSL and Chair stating the project work outline and renumeration available.  
  • At the end of the year the Treasurer will provide the Project worker with a Statement of Services.
  • Before anyone is employed the Scout Association must be contacted to see if there is an up to date Project Supporter form available.

Hired Services

  • Every effort must be made to avoid a Conflict of Interest (see policy) when sourcing services however if a conflict is unavoidable then approval by the Executive Committee/Chair must be gained.

The Group's policy on reserves is to hold sufficient resources to continue the charitable activities of the group should income and fundraising activities fall short.

Reserve Amount

The Board of Trustees considers that the group should hold circa £13, 500 to cover for this eventuality.  This figure has been identified from the following breakdown 

  • 5000 to cover any Event committments
  • 1000 to cover any utilities or building costs
  • 1500 to cover 3 months rent
  • 5000 to cover any unforseen loss of income/emergency running costs
  • 1000 to cover pre-paid card cash flow


Use of the reserve amount above and below the minimum 

If development is required by the group or the location that the group reside at, then the reserves above and below the reserve minimum can be used if a sufficient reason is provided to the Board of Trustees committee meeting.  This will be documented in the Board of Trustee minutes and work can only commence with the approval of the Board of Trustees.  However, if the decision is to go below the reserve, then all effort will be made to restore the baseline reserve.


We follow the Scout Associations safety policy from their Policy and Organisation and Rules.

See our Safe Scouting Cards for more information



This section explains who the trustees of 4th Ashby are, the fit and proper declaration form and how 4th Ashby manage their trustees.


Note, 4th Ashby Scout Group is an independent Charity, registered with the Charity Commission (No 1125053)

The Board of Trustees

consists of:

The Group Chair Nikki Davies
The Group Treasurer Deborah Crumley
The Group Scout Leader Jon Bloor

Elected Trustees

Persons elected by 4th Ashby Group Scout Council  to be trustees at the Group Annual General Meeting

Andrew Leake

Alice Legate

Mark Randall

Mark Timson

Paul Wright




Co-opted Members

  • persons co-opted annually by the Group Executive Committee
  • the number of co-opted members must not exceed the number of elected members.


4th Ashby will

  • Review its Trustee Whose Who Form after every AGM
  • Keep the Fit and Proper Declaration forms for 4 years after a trustee has left
  • Ask any new members of trustees to fill in a Fit and Proper declaration and return to the Treasurer
  • to ensure that all trustee requirments are met


Why is there a ‘fit and proper persons’ test?  

Helpsheets can be found on the HMRC website however the ‘fit and proper persons’ test is a statutory requirement for all charity trustees. The test requires that individuals who are ’managers’ of the charity, CASC or other organisation are ’fit and proper persons’ to be managers of such a body.  It exists to ensure that charities, CASCs and other organisations entitled to charity tax reliefs are not managed or controlled by individuals who might misuse the tax reliefs the organisation receives.

What does ‘fit and proper’ mean?  An individual is ‘a fit and proper person’ if they ensure, or are likely to ensure, that charity funds and tax reliefs are used only for charitable purposes.  Some people are disqualified by law from acting as charity trustees. Subject to regulatory waiver provisions this includes anyone who: SV

  • has an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception; or
  • is currently declared bankrupt (or is subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order or sequestration in Scotland) or has an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) with creditors; or
  • is disqualified from being a company director; or
  • has previously been removed as a trustee from any charity by any charity regulator in the UK (or a court) due to misconduct or mismanagement; or
  • is disqualified from being a trustee by an order of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office of Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.


What is a requirement of a Trustee?    

  • All members of the Group Trustee Board are Charity Trustees of the Scout Group  
  • Only persons aged 18 and over may be full voting members of the Group Trustee Board because of their status as Charity Trustees (however the views of young people in the Group must be taken into consideration).
  • Certain people are disqualified from being Charity Trustees by virtue of the Charities Acts. (See rule 13.1)
  • Charity Trustees are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation including the Data Protection Act


Name of Organisation 4th Ashby Scout Group
Name of individual    
Role in the organisation  

I, the undersigned, declare that:  

  • I am not disqualified from acting as a charity trustee  
  • I have not been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty (or any such conviction is legally regarded as spent)  
  • I have not been involved in tax fraud or other fraudulent behaviour including misrepresentation and/or identity theft
  • I have not used a tax avoidance scheme featuring charitable reliefs or using a charity to facilitate the avoidance  
  • I have not been involved in designing and /or promoting tax avoidance schemes
  • I am not an undischarged bankrupt  
  • I have not made compositions or arrangements with my creditors from which I have not been discharged  
  • I have not been removed from serving as a charity trustee, or been stopped from acting in a management position within a charity  
  • I have not been disqualified from serving as a Company Director  
  • I will at all times seek to ensure the charity’s funds, and charity tax reliefs received by this organisation, are used only for charitable purposes  


Home Address

Previous Address (if moved in past 12mths)

Date of Birth

National Insurance Number or National Identity Card Number

If you have signed this declaration but want to make any information known or clarify any points please add them in the space provided




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