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Hopefully, all participants collected their badges and certificates and are fully rested after this weekend's Rambling Fox event. Almost 500 young people took part in Cub, Scout and Explorer challenge and were supported by 125 adult volunteers.

4th Ashby fielded three teams of 6, and all Scouts finished the challenge of 7 miles and five activities (with thunderstorms mixed with showers and sunshine).

Team Mu, featuring Alex, Gethin, Riley, Rupert, Samuel and Thomas, scored 705/1200 for the challenges (ranking 32nd) and 98/120 for the teamwork competition (ranking 25th).  

Team Theta, consisting of Caitlin, George, Harry, Jenson, Kyle and Rosie, scored 677/1200 for the challenges (ranking 35th) and 71/120 for teamwork (36th)

Team Gamma, with Jamie, Julian, Kaelan, Leon, Will and William, scored 158/1200 and 105/120 for the challenge and teamwork competitions, ranking them 25th and 14th, respectively.

For the challenge award, scores ranged from 514-963; on the teamwork award, that range was 60-114.  Forty-four teams completed the event (including one merged from three Scout groups to allow competitors to finish).

Scouts are asked to check carefully to see if they have returned all equipment borrowed for the event.



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This week the Scouts completed a Countryside Code game and then built bridges without ropes.  

On Thursday the groups combined to make bigger bridges (see photos)

Tuesday Scouts managed to complete a Troop forum with the PLs representing the views of their patrols.  

Both groups managed a chariot race and a sort of game of Kabaddi.


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A little later this month but after positive feedback here goes...

Week 1 - Your Voice Counts (and pancakes too)

We welcomed the District Youth Comissioner, Sophie, to help us gather ideas from Scouts to shape the future programme.  These have been collated and responded to.  The Scouts also cooked mini-pancakes on a tin can.

Week 2 - "Mop up Meeting"

This session was aiming to be a quick fire set of activities to help us cover internet safety, what teamwork means, promoting Scouting, learning about the effects of drugs.

Thursday Scouts created a large banner for the window which is backlit by the hall lights for passers by to see!

Week 3 - " A Bit More of the Same" 

We completed more activities and played some games.  With a badge order going in, we were keen to help the Scouts get as far as possible with their badgework.  Scouts also worked on agreeing a personal challenge with the leaders - keep up the good work! 

Week 4 - Preparing for an Expedition

This week the scouts learned about preparing for an expedition by looking at route planning tools with OS Maps online, Drawing a life size hiker with the equipment they need to carry and also the food they might east before, during and after a day of hiking.

Week 5 - The Big Issues

I am sure the Scouts were pleased to see the last of the fitness sessions with everyone improving over the four weeks!  We also had some troop discussions on issues, challenged gender stereotypes and one one evening finished in time to play the chocolate game with fairtrade bars.

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We had a lovely set of meetings in Feburary

Week 1 - "The Trading Post"

Working towards the Skills challenge, we had a fund "Trading Post" where Scouts could buy materials from the leaders, transform them and sell them back for a profit.  A busy but fun session - with nice feedback received from parents too.

Week 2 - "Wide Games"

Although it was cold and dark, we met at Willesley and played some wide games out of doors - it was good to play old favourites and some new ones as well.

Week 3 - "Half Term"

We stopped meeting during half term due to low numbers but we are happy to listen to Scouts and their families in future.

Week 4 - "Shooting"

The County Shooting Team came along and ran shooting sessions for both Troops. This was very well received with some Scouts taking their first shot and others improved their skill.  Some photos are here.


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Scouts started back on 11th January, both troops seeing good numbers returning, although a few members were absent due to Covid.

Week 1 - "Welcome Back"

Scouts did a quick wordsearch for the promise and law and some new games which went down well.  The Scouts took a "leap of faith" which was great to see (a trust activity where scouts launch themselves into the outstretched arms of the rest of the Troop.

Week 2- "Mini Hike"

With no time to prepare the cooking activity, we substituted the "Mini NESST" hike the Explorers had created the previous evening (thanks Paul!).  The Scouts had to plan a route between a number of given grid references and all seemed to enjoy their walk round Moira, Hicks Lodge and Donisthorpe

Week 3 - "Food Around the World"

Each patrol was allocated equipment and ingredients to cook a meal from another country.  It was great to cook, chat, taste and work as a patrol.  Each of the options was vegetarian and very tasty.  Most were one pan dishes too - ideal for on camp.



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