A little later this month but after positive feedback here goes...
Week 1 - Your Voice Counts (and pancakes too)
We welcomed the District Youth Comissioner, Sophie, to help us gather ideas from Scouts to shape the future programme. These have been collated and responded to. The Scouts also cooked mini-pancakes on a tin can.
Week 2 - "Mop up Meeting"
This session was aiming to be a quick fire set of activities to help us cover internet safety, what teamwork means, promoting Scouting, learning about the effects of drugs.
Thursday Scouts created a large banner for the window which is backlit by the hall lights for passers by to see!
Week 3 - " A Bit More of the Same"
We completed more activities and played some games. With a badge order going in, we were keen to help the Scouts get as far as possible with their badgework. Scouts also worked on agreeing a personal challenge with the leaders - keep up the good work!
Week 4 - Preparing for an Expedition
This week the scouts learned about preparing for an expedition by looking at route planning tools with OS Maps online, Drawing a life size hiker with the equipment they need to carry and also the food they might east before, during and after a day of hiking.
Week 5 - The Big Issues
I am sure the Scouts were pleased to see the last of the fitness sessions with everyone improving over the four weeks! We also had some troop discussions on issues, challenged gender stereotypes and one one evening finished in time to play the chocolate game with fairtrade bars.